
[软件资源] VLC 3.0 ——轻松播放4K HDR影片

Hao8k小助手 发表于 2019-11-4 23:59:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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6 {1 x2 Z9 j* S# F简单易用的万能播放器VLC在18年2月的时候更新了3.0版本,而到现在hao4k上也没有人分享这个软件,那我就来给大家介绍一下吧。
  F& \2 Q: |& k6 I3 z( g5 b. Y+ j, k) }" `
此次更新,VLC支持自动HEVC硬解。播放器会自动检测你的系统配置,然后自动开启HEVC硬解,不论是CPU还是GPU,只要支持HEVC硬解,VLC就会自动启用。6 ^, W& V8 e  r) @$ F5 n3 ~
: {8 {: A5 D/ {$ T0 G% K

1 |( ], l5 [. `' Q- m( `# v同时现在VLC 3.0还支持HDR,可以将HDR的metadata输出到电视/显示器。9 w4 z& g0 [" m& ?# J, d
VLC 3.0 ——轻松播放4K HDR影片-1.png
, T# g" o# D& t+ P
) |0 H: n4 d9 {  {0 W. h0 L: S
! ]1 b' W5 e' f8 J" |6 M
3 a. h( U* M; X$ c  o  UVLC支持蓝光原盘BDMV/ISO。
! F7 D+ A& d5 \0 s( A3 v6 O- U5 P  J$ \* a) B* a6 q8 N
6 ~- b, `3 H+ z) j
' U9 V" f# Q4 a. l! d+ A3.0 Features/ V! D& k# u# D6 I

" v& R; F) w# n; ~, f5 b+ ICORE
0 _# d/ g: e! a# U* I: J0 _. i6 ]Network browsing for distant filesystems (SMB, FTP, SFTP, NFS...); n& @' h  @: A
HDMI passthrough for Audio HD codecs, like E-AC3, TrueHD or DTS-HD
8 a% r8 O/ U' D7 d12bits codec and extended colorspaces (HDR)
- }9 P% b8 n3 l* _2 kStream to distant renderers, like Chromecast5 w' L) C* c& d% v( h1 ]& c
360 video and 3D audio playback with viewpoint change
* u/ O( H# Y5 E6 @; W# C4 YSupport for Ambisonics audio and more than 8 audio channels) ~3 |# Z& p9 ~1 B8 s( e
Subtitles size modification live
- N, O; u9 P! A1 d& d8 t8 e
% }; {2 T* a/ h$ E: zACCELERATION
; i& G) w! j  rHardware decoding and display on all platforms5 R4 |+ N" {! K8 e
HEVC hardware decoding on Windows, using DxVA2 and D3D11
6 X5 r$ H4 G/ i2 `, G4 UHEVC hardware decoding using OMX and MediaCodec (Android)' \+ G/ t/ W( D
MPEG-2, VC1/WMV3 hardware decoding on Android7 [4 r- M5 ^; a& {$ K" N
Important improvements for the MMAL decoder and output for rPI and rPI2
. B- O% X" W: r8 r1 f5 {HEVC and H.264 hardware decoding for macOS and and iOS based on VideoToolbox
3 ^# H2 D$ {" W6 Y: ?( x  `$ T# h7 [New VA-API decoder and rendering for Linux
* `9 j) {' u. J* `* }- R( q) ~6 d8 k% ~. }% k3 p1 l, c$ P
* ~  I1 M/ W3 [6 k( qBD-Java menus and overlay in Blu-Ray6 j. U& ?; I' E9 `$ w/ Y  g7 E, W
Experimental AV1 video and Daala video decoders
3 R% |4 Y$ s+ T; gOggSpots video decoder/ h' r* ]. @6 D7 L& p6 o
New MPEG-1 & 2 audio layer I, II, III + MPEG 2.5 decoder based on libmpg123' h+ [5 j) B! J2 C
New BPG decoder based on libbpg
; W9 o$ u9 Z$ l# y0 VTDSC, Canopus HQX, Cineform, SpeedHQ, Pixlet, QDMC and FMVC decoders% s9 H7 C& M% p) C& l$ i- P( o
TTML subtitles support! E4 C+ a6 p0 z" z4 L& g2 _( ?
Rewrite of webVTT subtitles support, including CSS style support
! t  R% b5 O1 M8 k$ i0 F6 M* ZBluRay text subtitles (HDMV) deocoder3 e3 Y* u- g! r3 O/ j, G/ ^* z+ i

' r3 p  w6 h0 t# d0 I% r% VCONTAINERS0 _* K$ t# O# ~
Rework of the MP4 demuxer
# w8 n) a9 h0 @* f  ~Rework of the TS demuxer+ E1 Z. `0 [3 Q( g  f
HD-DVD .evo support% P) Q0 O+ s" q" U
Rework of the PS demuxer1 l. v% s0 }2 ~& t2 U
Improvements on MKV
( {4 X! Y5 f+ |) ~. L% m* r, c, ], |3 J: M7 P! a
VIDEO OUTPUTS AND FILTERS4 e* q0 I9 v0 _+ Q5 [/ [/ j: ^
OpenGL as Linux/BSD default video output& R1 s8 L  x8 \( m& T4 m5 m
Improvements in OpenGL output: direct displaying and HDR tonemapping/ K# `& v7 m; q+ v1 C
Rework of the Android video outputs
* M$ U! y3 D( M; {New Direct3D11 video output supporting both Windows desktop and WinRT modes9 c% k# `+ p, Q
HDR10 support in Direct3D11 with Windows 10 Fall Creator Update
4 }: `+ x) v9 w2 t- RHardware deinterlacing on the rPI, using MMAL
) D+ I* M* c7 }4 o/ `) gVideo filter to convert between fps rates
# O' W6 F5 `  M: q* I+ q1 b( AHardware accelerated deinterlacing/adjust/sharpen/chroma with VA-API0 n! B& G7 [5 m% |% h; d3 f
Hardware accelerated adjust/invert/posterize/sepia/sharpen with CoreImage" z4 e3 O8 s4 z) d2 L+ u8 K
Hardware accelerated deinterlacing/adjust/chroma with D3D9 and D3D11$ W0 U! s8 ^" W

( k4 u% f# J* w1 ]" j7 P" l6 iAUDIO OUTPUTS AND FILTERS
& o( {* }) T! P( }; BComplete rewrite of the AudioTrack Android output
% s% t  {+ r: Y+ l" i5 S! ]New Tizen audio output& N: k7 [8 X( D# i1 O7 z
HDMI/SPDIF pass-through support for WASAPI (AC3/DTS/DTSHD/EAC3/TRUEHD)' {) {) n% V6 F" A
Support EAC3 and TRUEHD pass-through for PulseAudio8 z0 d9 {' n& f5 H6 b) }6 a* n- `# Q
Rework of the AudioUnit modules to share more code between iOS and macOS2 \$ t. E, `( I# v" a  a" {
SoX Resampler library audio filter module (converter and resampler). t- C! j. D9 |: e4 {8 w
Ambisonics audio renderer, supporting up to 3rd order4 H# V  z- r) s# M9 Y
Binauralizer audio filter, working with Ambisonics or 5.1/7.1 streams
% w( L) D* {  y1 qPitch shifting module
0 g/ S' d! Z' z. O/ b1 q
6 t4 W5 J- s; ?! \  U/ I. wOS VERSIONS
" G! r# p) w9 |Windows XP ➔ 10 RS3
, J, B/ H: K8 vmacOS 10.7 ➔ 10.13
. g4 y, w" l  \1 B8 J: n8 e4 {iOS 7 ➔ 119 f) n1 H) b+ c5 H- G: A4 H9 g
Android 2.3 ➔ 8.1$ N/ {/ x$ M4 }* z! A5 V
Android TV, Chromebooks with Play Store
7 a3 s. f) X- H7 Z/ s' nWindows RT 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1
+ {  A& H: C7 ?' TWindows 10 Mobile, Xbox 1, Windows Store
- v, T9 N3 ]% G7 M4 M1 M& LGNU/Linux, Ubuntu, *BSD# u6 F; r0 V% P! q

* ?  o( }1 K/ @+ N) p( ?Chromecast support from your phone/ ?& N1 j- a+ f- H' w) u
HEVC hardware decoding using MediaCodec
$ c! z) [! r  [$ uAndroid Auto with voice actions
. O+ f9 ^8 ^# i* a2 @Available on all Android TV, Chromebooks & DeX4 J9 h3 ]' t  [2 Y$ _, m6 {! V
Support for Picture-in-Picture+ {8 w2 \4 o" Y( T4 G8 q5 G+ ?$ @
Playlist files detection3 m1 Z2 ^0 ?! h" B

% |' N8 R/ z! @" Y4 P9 N  N# _# O: j
下载地址:  k5 s. _3 q" u' Q
( s7 T2 o0 k3 S" \

$ H, h' Q# C; ]6 D: q% T" c4 \3 M9 \$ c% t7 p
来源:{互联网资源整理收集,如有请侵权,请及时联系删除} 6 k4 V% L9 q: G% e# \2 `

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全部回复31 显示全部楼层
hongjun 发表于 2020-12-10 16:43:50 | 显示全部楼层
/ h, L1 z6 N4 v& w* T# z5 @

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猫猫! 发表于 2021-3-21 15:09:37 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢楼主!!!!!!!!!!9 F! y3 @0 k' B6 ?5 |+ x: {

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糊涂酒鬼 发表于 2021-6-13 18:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
; g2 ^: g/ V9 H) f( V6 d0 t+ y. L

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yuandiandts 发表于 2022-10-31 09:58:27 | 显示全部楼层
4 b5 n+ `4 h* F" ~" U: `

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yzhghy 发表于 2023-1-13 11:25:57 | 显示全部楼层

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zhengshunwen 发表于 2023-1-14 18:45:25 | 显示全部楼层

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珊珊 发表于 2023-1-21 09:57:32 | 显示全部楼层
非常好, L* ~! j$ F$ M! m1 Q  s. e" ?
' n1 Q- e, N: u5 j; U
3 y5 x  N+ j$ x: I# x2 d

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子木 发表于 2023-2-2 23:14:16 | 显示全部楼层
好的  这个要支持下... 我以前用终极解码感觉总是差了好多...
/ H8 z2 @3 @1 [6 ^0 J1 E- V

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haozkw 发表于 2023-4-6 15:11:30 | 显示全部楼层

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